Amkor is committed to a comprehensive corporate social responsibility program that aligns with our core values and contributes to our success as a responsible corporate citizen


Environmental Policy Statement

Amkor Technology, Inc. recognizes the importance of a healthy environment and is committed to preserve our natural resources, improve sustainability, and contribute to the quality of life in the communities where we operate. As part of this commitment, we have established practices worldwide to:

  • Comply with legal requirements that protect the environment
  • Provide training to our employees to mitigate the risk of environmental accidents
  • Certify our factories to International Organization for Standardization (ISO) framework 14001, widely recognized as the standard for effective Environmental Management Systems
  • Obtain independent verification of Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) measured and collected at our factories
  • 提交并披露公开温室气体和水数据CDP, formerly known as the Carbon Disclosure Project, a leading organization that assesses the impact of climate change and promotes a sustainable economy
  • Reduce GHG, water use and waste generation by 20%, 30%, 40% respectively, by the end of 2020 from levels established before 2014. We have either met or are on target to meet each goal
  • 承诺拥有我们的工厂和供应商遵循制服Code of Conduct来自Responsible Business Alliance包括环境责任标准

Amkor’s RBA Commitment Statement

Amkor is one of the world’s leading subcontractors of semiconductor packaging and test services and we are committed to the principles contained in theResponsible Business Alliance(RBA)Code of Conduct(代码),以前是电子行业公民联盟(EICC)。


Amkor is also committed to conducting self-assessments to ensure that our policies and procedures are properly enforced and we will permit third-party auditing as arranged by the RBA.

Furthermore, Amkor will communicate our corporate social responsibility requirements to our suppliers and will require all suppliers of critical components to acknowledge and implement the Code.


President & Chief Executive Officer

Amkor Responsible Minerals Sourcing Statement

认识到可能与影响,贸易,处理和出口冲突影响和高风险领域(CAHRA)提取,贸易,处理和出口冲突矿物质有关的显着不利影响的风险,并认识到AMKOR Technology,Inc。有责任尊重人权和bob体彩没有直接捐助冲突,我们致力于采取行动来源在全球范围内使用的负责任的冲突矿物。


As part of Amkor’s commitment to source Conflict Minerals responsibly, we have taken the following actions:



bob体彩Amkor Technology,Inc。(“Amkor”),致力于按照我们经营的国家的适用法律促进人权。我们关注amkor商业行为准则(“AMKOR代码”)详细介绍了我们组织的价值观和责任,并在开展业务时对适当行为的员工提供指导。我们还遵循负责任的商业联盟(RBA)Code of Conduct(“RBA守则”),一套社会,环境和道德标准的公司在我们的行业中被广泛接受。

Key Elements

  • 无论位置如何,Amkor代码适用于所有员工,并包括保护妇女和少数群体的权利。它禁止基于种族,颜色,宗教,性别或性别身份,性取向,年龄,国家来源,祖先,种族,退伍军人身份,怀孕,遗传信息和残疾的丧失疗法治疗。
  • Training on the requirements of the Amkor Code is provided annually to employees and includes areas related to Human Rights. In 2019, our employees collectively received 817 hours of training on the Amkor Code.
  • 可以向主管向主管报告对亚马逊守则的实际或疑似违反,或者希望匿名提出疑虑的个人,这是一个24小时免费的“商业诚信线”。调查了实际或疑似违规行为的报告,禁止报告报告违规行为。自公司的创始以来,我们没有与人权或腐败相关的重大争议。
  • RBA守则基于我们支持的国际规范和原则,包括:(1)来自联合国的业务和人权和世界人权宣言的指导原则,(2)安全与健康的实践准则来自国际劳工组织的劳动标准,以及(3)经济合作与发展组织跨国企业指南。
  • The RBA Code is regarded as a supply chain initiative and accordingly, we have designated it as our Vendor Code of Conduct for our suppliers and service agencies including security guard providers of protection at our factories who are contracted under security arrangements.
  • RBA代码明确禁止人口贩运和奴隶制,提供诸如此类的工具Supplemental Validated Audit Process (SVAP) on Forced Laborto address risks of human trafficking and slavery in our Supply Chain. Since 2018, Amkor has used the SVAP to assess these risks.
  • 我们相信清洁水的权利是一个基本的人权,RBA代码需要一个水管理计划,文件,表征和监测水源,使用和放电,并寻求提供水的机会。
  • 我们评估了与人权相关的风险和潜在影响,审查和评估我们的政策和管理流程,并涉及利益相关者的方法。
  • 我们提供我们的供应商资源从RBA改善他们在人权方面的表现。他们拥有,并将继续受到每年进行的独立审计,以评估与RBA守则的遵守,包括在人权,人口贩运和奴役领域的评估。